Retinal Inflammatory Disease

Retinal inflammatory disease (or uveitis) is an eye condition that causes dysfunction of the retina and, in the most severe cases, substantial vision loss. It is most common in people between the ages of 20 and 60. Retinal inflammatory disease may be caused by an autoimmune disorder that affects multiple systems within the body, or by an infection or trauma to the eye. Symptoms include blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and floaters in the eye, which may occur in one or both eyes.

It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE) has a team of uveitis specialists dedicated to the management and treatment of inflammatory eye disorders.

How is Retinal Inflammatory Disease Treated?

Following a full examination, your ophthalmologist will prescribe medication or surgery, depending on the severity and cause of the disease. If the retinal inflammatory disease is linked to an autoimmune disorder, for example, immunosuppressive drugs may be the preferred treatment. In addition, antibiotics may be prescribed for a bacterial infection and steroids for an inflammatory problem. Long-term management may also include the need for slow-release steroid implants, which are administered as a surgical procedure. Vitrectomy is utilized in cases involving acute infections or to control chronic inflammation.