Financing Your Refractive Surgery

Patients interested in laser vison correction surgery will need to be evaluated by one of our cornea specialists. During the visit, the ophthalmologist will examine the health of your eye, discuss your vison goals, and share information about available surgical options. This is a critical step that will allow our specialists to develop a customized treatment plan and provide a cost estimate for the surgery. The type of surgery as well as the amount of customization required will determine the cost of your surgery.

Laser vision correction surgery is not covered by most insurances. When deciding whether to invest in refractive surgery, a cost-benefit analysis may help you make this decision. Some question to consider:

  • How much do I spend on contact lenses during the year? Now multiply that out five and ten years. You may find you will spend more on contacts during your lifetime.
  • How much are my eyeglasses or contacts interfering with my lifestyle? People who enjoy active sports, have hobbies or jobs where eyesight and/or mobility is key, may want a more permanent solution.
  • Can I find a way to finance this expense?

Financing options include:

  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA): Talk to your employer about setting up a flexible spending account that will allow you to pay for eligible medical expense with pre-tax dollars.  
  • Health savings account (HAS): Consider whether opening a savings account that lets you set aside pre-tax money to help pay for qualified medical expenses is the right option for you.
  • A credit union or bank can be another alternative to apply for a loan. You should shop around for best rates and terms.